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Peanut Red Skin Reports

Publish tina On 2017-09-13

Peanuts are recognized as a healthy food in the world, and peanuts are considered one of the "top 10 longevity foods" in China. According to Chinese medicine, the effect of peanut is to harmonize the spleen, stomach, blood and hemostasis. Among them, the function of "blood tonic hemostasis" is mainly the result of the red coat of the peanut. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine theory is that "spleen governs the blood", qi deficiency are easy to bleeding, peanut red it is able to fill the gas of the spleen and stomach, so can achieve the role of nourishing blood hemostasis, this in terms of traditional Chinese medicine called "air bleeding. Western medicine thinks, the peanut red can inhibit the dissolution of fibrin, increase the content of platelet, improve the quality of platelet, improve the defect of clotting factor, strengthen the function of blood capillary contraction, promote bone marrow hematopoietic function. Therefore, it has obvious effect on diseases such as anemia and aplastic anemia caused by hemorrhage and hemorrhage.
Women should always eat peanuts "red skin". Female friends, especially in menstrual period, pregnancy, postpartum and lactation women should eat more, eat more, because the period of the female blood loss and more nutrition consumption, peanuts, red is very good for they keep blood, the blood tonic. In the meantime, the peanut also has the effect of hair and hair. According to Chinese medicine, hair loss and hair loss are caused by blood loss due to blood loss. And the peanuts red blood, blood tonic, can make human hair more black and beautiful.
There are a few reports that "people who are not suitable for high blood viscosity because of the effect of" peanut red "are not suitable for blood viscosity, which can cause blood clots." But it doesn't get most experts agree, most experts say that the red one can be prompted thrombopoiesis, it can avoid the platelet aggregation, to prevent the elderly's biggest killer, cardiovascular disease have certain effect. And the average person is peanut with red together to eat, peanut contains unsaturated fatty acid, has the function of reducing blood lipid and serum cholesterol may reduce the risk of deelopment of coronary artery disease, preventing platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis.
The best food isn't for everyone, and it's not a no-no. For example, some patients who have bruised and bruised are unfit to eat. The peanut red dress can stop the blood, promote coagulation blood, fall to injure, blood vein stasis the person eats too much, can appear the blood bruises is difficult to disperse, aggravate the bruising. Also, middle aged people have poor digestive function, "weak stool of the spleen", not suitable for eating peanuts, because the peanut contains rich oil, has a slow effect, can aggravate diarrhea. In addition, because the peanut contains more oil, it needs more bile to help digestion, so those who have had the gall bladder resection or have severe biliary disease should not eat more peanuts.
peanut red skin

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